The new Ferrari will be a true exotic

The Maranell car company Ferrari has a long-standing habit of presenting its newly arriving models first to the "cream of the crop" or the rich at private presentations. And only then comes the revelation of the rest of the world. The last such event took place this Wednesday directly in Maranello, where Ferrari revealed a car codenamed F150 , if you will, the successor to the Enzo .

We also know this car under the name F70 , time will tell if it will be called this in serial form as well. As evidence that the event really took place, we can consider a picture of a metal plate, as well as two posts on forums from users who apparently participated in this event. They put interesting information on the website about Enzo's successor, of course we have it for you.

The new Ferrari , apparently with the designation F70 , will have a 6.3 -liter twelve-cylinder engine with an output of 800 horsepower at 9,200 rpm . But that's not all, another 150 hp will be temporarily added by the KERS (electric motor) system. Acceleration from zero to 100 takes 3 seconds, to 200 in 7 seconds. The new supersport will weigh 1,270 kg (150 kg only for the hybrid system) and will reach a maximum speed of 370 km/h.

The chassis will be made entirely of carbon fiber, at the rear we will find a pressure wing and a mobile diffuser. The interior will have fixed seats and an adjustable steering wheel or pedals, otherwise the upholstery will be according to the customer's wishes. The premiere should take place at the Geneva Motor Show and only 499 units will be produced. The price will probably be 1.2 million Euros (converted to around 30 million crowns).

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