The Octavia RS will serve the Belgian law enforcement officers

The vehicle fleet of the Belgian police has grown by one very interesting vehicle in recent days. There wouldn't be anything too special about the Octavia RS in black, but a look at the hood reveals that it's not quite a standard Skoda.

The main task of the sports liftback will be to detect and subsequently stop drivers with lapsed technical, unpaid insurance or old fines, with incorrectly placed license plates or in stolen cars. Behind all this is the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system, represented by the black box on the hood in the Octavia. Four infrared cameras can read the number plates of individual road users (even in reduced visibility), compare them with already existing databases and evaluate whether the car is a participant in any of the above offenses. If so, the police patrol will start chasing him.

The price of the black box is 85,000 euros (approx. 2.3 million crowns) and will be used in the Aalter-Knesselare area mainly during impact events.
