Porsche 911 SC – Presidential car

Behind the exotic name Stefaan de Vos hides a Belgian petrolhead from Denderhoutem , who has always been interested in cars. His first car was a 1972 Volkswagen Beetle , which he later traded in for a 1967 Chevrolet Bel Air , and now he bought his third car. This is a Porsche 911 SC with a three-liter engine from 1980. He sold his Chevy at a profit so he could buy a better car. Although in a way he returned to the concept of the Beetle.

The first time he got into the car and grabbed the steering wheel, he was lost. It was love at first sight and he knew right away that he had to have this 911 at home. He fell in love with the design, power and handling. Moreover, his Porsche was in very good condition. He's had it for two years now, but those were preceded by years of searching for a piece in good condition. And he is thrilled that he got the car in its original condition. He doesn't even plan any modifications. But when you are the president of the local veteran club like Stefaan, you don't even think about modifications. Specifically, it is the Belgian Retro Car Club . The local roads are beautiful but too straight, so members often go to the Aardene Forest with beautiful roads.

Source: Petrolicious