Original Liquid Chains – Test of a product to increase wheel grip

You know it – snow, frost, you're in a hurry or you just want to go to the mountains with your friends, and it's best to stop somewhere before the end of a steep icy climb with the driven axle slipping. What now? If you are prepared and these situations happen to you several times during one winter season, you quickly jump out of the car, pull out the classic metal snow chains , a mat under your knees, work gloves and the unpleasant process of sledding can begin. However, if you rarely get into the mountains or into situations where you are left standing limp on an icy road, I definitely recommend continuing to read this article.

I got my hands on a product of the Czech company Warp Car , which is engaged in the production and sale of original liquid chains. These have the task of increasing the grip of the tires in the short term and thus freeing the limp car from situations where the grip of the winter treads alone is no longer sufficient.

I used a Citroën C5 Tourer to test the original snow chains. I set off to a place where I usually photograph off-road vehicles and more capable SUVs , but the road is passable even in a classic passenger car. The last hundreds of meters lead through the forest to a steeper climb that ends with a dangerous horizon. The Citroën stopped exactly where I expected, with the front wheels slipping and starting to slide dangerously backwards, and I had no choice but to apply liquid snow chains .

The application of chains is very simple and, unlike classic steel chains, you will not get your hands or clothes dirty. All you have to do is spin the wheels of the front axle and do not spray the product in several layers on the visible surface of the tread. Since it needs to rest for a few minutes after spraying, it is best to follow this procedure : apply liquid snow chains to any front wheel along the visible tread area, move to the other wheel and repeat the process. Then reverse the car, return to the wheel you started with and apply to the area that was not visible at first. Repeat the same on the second round. An unpleasant situation doesn't have to meet you only on a quiet stretch, where the maximum number of forest animals peeps under your arms, but also on a busy road, where other drivers often don't forgive a few harsh words due to the delay. The less time you spend on the app, the better.

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Before I have time to hide the product in the trunk, the spray is ready to use. So I try to start by working sensitively with the gas pedal and lo and behold, the liquid chains work . Compared to the situation before application, there is a noticeable difference in the grip of the front wheels, and I can easily get over the icy places that the wheels created when the wheels slipped. Another advantage of the product is that it has a slightly brownish color that blends in with the surface of the tread. After taking pictures, I was able to return to the chemically treated road with the chains still working. One injection was functional for about 200 meters. However, given the purpose of the trip, this distance was crucial.


Original liquid chains are a pleasant help for motorists who do not regularly go to the mountains and are therefore not forced to buy classic metal chains. After a simple application on the wheels of the driven axle, there is a noticeable difference in the grip of the tires, but great demands are placed on working with the gas pedal. One piece of 300 milliliter product costs 299 crowns , lasts for about two uses and can be very helpful in crisis situations. It won't replace classic snow chains, which it doesn't even want, but it definitely deserves a place in your luggage.