Trabant 601 in sports modification

The days when thousands of "Bakelites" aka Trabant 601s were not only driving on our roads are long gone and many of the manufactured pieces do not even exist today, but there are still those who take care of their "jewel" and even modify it!

This is also the case of a Bulgarian tuner who calls himself Ko Konja (translated as How Many Horses) and has modified his Trabant into a truly extreme form. The Trabant RS , as the model is officially called, does not have a breathless 26-horsepower two-stroke under the hood, but a 220-horsepower Fiat Coupé unit! The author of the modification does not specify the weight, but the classic Trabant weighs something like 600 kg…

In addition to the modern engine, the modified Trabant also received other modern elements – the suspension and brakes from Brembo are new. While you may be able to identify the model from the outside, you will probably have a problem on the inside. Ko Konja reupholstered the interior with a combination of leather and Alcantara , added a new steering wheel, alarm clocks or gear lever head.

