The first Datsun models have been confirmed for 2014

The Datsun car company has been very busy in recent days. First, the Russian magazine managed to get the first pictures of the upcoming budget sedan from the patent office , and now the market entry has been officially confirmed.

This will happen in 2014 , without any further specifications yet. Another new piece of information from yesterday's press conference is that apart from India, Indonesia and Russia, where Datsun is to start selling first, this privilege has also been granted to South Africa .

On this occasion, we were also treated to the first teaser and commentary on the design , which was identified as a strong brand identity. Whether this means a hexagonal grille and aggressive front lights, we do not yet know.

Commenting on yesterday's press release, Datsun boss Vincent Cobee said: "Datsun's core values – modern, affordable and reliable – are designed to meet the needs of this group of people, just as they did for most of the 20th century."

Source: Nissan