How to refurbish alloy wheels

Do you have cast or aluminum wheels and are not satisfied with the way they look? If this is indeed the case, refurbishing alloy wheels is one procedure that is guaranteed not to disappoint you. See with us how to give them a perfect look again, thanks to which you will be proud of your car. There are more than enough problems that can appear on them. Most often, these are mainly various scratches, but there may not even be anything extraordinary, deformations, as well as various chipped parts. These are all problems that, fortunately, you can eliminate in a fairly simple way. And this is both a combination of the fact that we will handle the renovation ourselves, and also a combination of the fact that in some cases we will use more experienced experts for some of the work.

We're getting started

First, the aluminum discs must be logically removed from your car. Therefore, it is ideal to carry out the renovation in the event that you change the entire set of tires. Likewise, it is ideal to complete the given procedure in the event that your tires are flat and you will be changing them. It is important not only to remove the aluminum wheels from your car, but it is also important to definitely remove the tires themselves from them. At that moment, everything is already ready for the renovation as such, and you can therefore fully start the work itself.

How about deformations and other problems?

If there are major problems with aluminum discs, it is definitely necessary to visit a specialized service, as the repair in question can rarely be carried out by yourself. In this direction, we mainly mean various damages that are associated with the fact that the aluminum discs are deformed, just as they can be associated with, for example, that a piece of them is pinched. Specialized services can literally do miracles in this direction, and for a fraction of the price than a completely new drive would cost us if necessary.

How about the renovation itself?

If the disk is technically in order, it is possible to start the renovation itself. The first step is definitely the duty of perfect cleaning. Numerous specialized products will help here, as well as a brush and a stream of water. Remember that everything should always be clean enough, as this will make it easier for you to do any further work that you will continue to undertake. Once you have everything completely done in this direction, it is possible to move on to one of the basic and important treatment methods.

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That method is so-called sandblasting, which involves spraying a special layer of liquid and abrasive on the surface of your discs under high pressure. Maybe even fine sand. Here we really pay attention to sufficient finesse, as we only want to sand the discs, not scratch them. The role in efficiency is mainly played by the design of the discs themselves and the frequency of the rays as such. In the given direction, we should not neglect all the nooks and crannies. What is possible is to sandblast and renovate only the main side, i.e. the front side. However, we recommend that you proceed in such a way that you really sand them completely.

Treatment is the basis

As soon as the initial sandblasting is over, it is necessary to proceed further, namely by treating the disks in question. This is related to the application of a special coating, the aim of which is to keep the disc in a quality that will last for several long years. The given coating ensures the perfect treatment of the given material, thanks to which you can be perfectly sure that the given disc will really withstand use in demanding conditions, among which we can also include driving in winter, or in a whole range of other less than ideal conditions.

The given application of the treatment layer does not necessarily have to be connected only with painting, as it is also possible to use much more effective painting. Of course, it depends on how well you are equipped for the given procedure, or whether you have the opportunity to borrow possible aids that will make everything significantly easier for you.

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Another layer needs to be applied

If the basic treatment is applied, one must not forget the last stage, which is nothing more than a layer of filler as such. This is an absolutely essential step in the renovation of aluminum discs that we must not miss. This is a special layer, which primarily aims to perfectly smooth the entire surface and thus support its very appearance. Once this layer is in place, it needs to be allowed to dry properly. Here we refer to the instructions of the manufacturer who produces the product. It can be different for everyone. We definitely recommend that you actually adhere to this deadline.

Once this layer is applied and dry, it is possible to proceed to the next step. It is connected with grinding. It is ideal to use water-based sandpaper, at least in two grits. It is definitely a procedure that is definitely recommended. It is possible to leave it out, but we do not recommend it too much, because due to proper and gentle grinding, the entire surface of the aluminum disc can be acceptably smooth, which is definitely a big plus that we will definitely want to achieve.

Final painting

The renovation of the aluminum discs is almost in the final stage. In the given direction, only one single thing is enough, which is nothing more than the need to carry out the final painting. This is connected above all with the resulting design, when we can look forward to the fact that the alloy wheels will acquire their famous appearance, but also a unique shine. The final painting is also associated with the certainty that it is possible to choose a variety of colors in a simple way. The renovation of aluminum discs does not only have an effect on improving the quality or extending the service life. We must not forget that it also has a positive effect on the fact that we significantly change the design itself. And this is one of the main reasons why aluminum wheels are used today and why people continue to invest their money in them.