How to fix windshield crack

Those who drive regularly, of course, know very well that various problems can arise that arise from driving itself. If we are more specific, it should be said that one of the problems can also be damage to the windshield. And that's because of a flying pebble. This problem is definitely not pleasant. If the stone is of a larger size, you cannot do without the need to completely replace the windshield . Especially if the hole is beyond repair. If the damage is more minor, auto glass repair is possible. Today, there are not only specialized car repair shops, but it is also true that you can handle the repair yourself, at home. If you're wondering how to do it, let's take a look at the procedure.

Preparation of the damaged area is the basis

The most common damage that occurs in this way is logically a situation where a significant dent appears in your windshield. In this case, it is good to implement the repair as soon as possible to avoid possible enlargement. As soon as you begin the repair, it is a good idea to prepare the area thoroughly first. The basis should be not only the perfect removal of all dirt, but also degreasing or the removal of possible glass fragments. In this regard, we recommend that you be very careful, as any wrong procedure can ruin everything in a rather significant way. If you have everything ready, you can go to step number two.

You need to buy filling resin

If a specific hole is ready to be repaired, the next step is to apply the filling resin. This is a unique mixture that is intended for the repair of auto glass itself. Not only are specific car repair shops using it, but of course you can also use it yourself, directly at home, as part of a home repair. So once you have the filling resin, it's a good idea to also have a special roller available to apply the resin to. This procedure will not only allow you to apply the resin more easily, but also evenly and correctly. Therefore, it is recommended to also have the given filling cylinder including the holder. Of course, this can also be bought, as well as there is a second option, which is related to the fact that you borrow it.

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Once you have everything ready, you can begin the application of the filling resin itself, precisely in the hole in question. Pay attention to the fact that only a small amount may be needed, as some damages may not be larger than a few tenths of a millimeter in size. And remember that.

All air must escape

Once the resin is in place, a fairly important procedure must follow, which is related to the removal of any air not only from the damaged area, but of course also from the resin in question, in which tiny, at first glance tiny bubbles may appear. And these can be a problem in the future, as the patch could appear to be ineffective in a few months. It is therefore necessary to choose such a procedure, which will be associated with the definitive extraction of air from the place that was repaired.

Here we recommend going the classic route, where we use a combination of a piston and a vacuum pump. We recommend repeating this procedure several times, as this is the only way you will be sure that you have removed all the air that could be a problem. After that, just visually check the place to see if it really looks okay at first glance. If so, the most important phase of the given repair is concretely done.

The resin must be allowed to harden

If the most important part of the repair was successful, you can proceed to the finishing phase, which is related to the need to harden the given resin. This should not only dry in the classic way, but should also be associated with the obligation to let the given new layer harden. And specifically with the help of ultraviolet light, which is an ideal option for these purposes. If we skip this step, it can mean problems in the future, when the resin in question will wear off quite quickly. And that's exactly what we want to prevent. So, once it has hardened, the repair of the windshield itself is basically completely finished and it goes to the final phase, which is related to the cosmetic treatment.

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We will apply the finishing resin

As soon as the repair is done and the hole is sealed, it is necessary to apply a finishing resin, on which we then apply a finishing foil. Both procedures are necessary for two reasons. The first is, of course, to better protect the repaired area itself and to prevent the classical resin used from peeling off. The second reason is, of course, to eliminate any specific traces of the given repair. In this way, we will be sure that after applying the foil, we will thoroughly polish the area and the glass will look essentially new at first glance, as if there were no problems with it.

Once the finishing film is in place, we should also not forget that it is a good idea to clean the entire area more thoroughly, using a razor blade. In this way, we will not only clean the specific resin residues, but we will of course also clean the foil residues in this way. This completes the repair.

It is ideal to buy the whole set

Although at first glance it may seem that we cannot do without the necessary equipment, at second glance it must be said that today it is not a problem to buy a kit, with the help of which the implementation of a particular repair is a real piece of cake. In this way, we will have the certainty that we can handle everything not only in a few minutes, but we will also have the certainty that we will be able to implement everything with minimal expenditure. In particular, it should be said that the given sets for repairing car windows do not have to be more expensive than several hundred crowns.