How to change coil springs

Not only shock absorbers are a very important element, thanks to which the smooth driving comfort is achieved. If there is something that we must not forget, it is naturally also the springs. Even these can be gradually damaged due to age, but also due to mileage. Today, basically three situations can arise that are related to the fact that the springs are not in the condition they should be in. If we look specifically at what can be at risk with them, it is most definitely that they can be cracked. This is not only dangerous for the ride itself, but it can be dangerous even in the context that a significant crack can be associated with even more damage. The second situation that can occur is quite classic fatigue of the material. In connection with it, the primary reason is that the springs no longer have enough power to lift the car to the required height. They are simply tired. This is also the reason connected with the fact that the rear springs of the car should be replaced. How to do it? The procedure is quite easy and it can be said that it can be done by yourself.

Raise and secure the vehicle

The first step is to raise your vehicle. The ideal choice is definitely a jack, as it is certainly much easier to work with it. Once the vehicle is raised, it is a good idea to check whether it is sufficiently secured. If everything is in perfect order in this direction, it is possible to continue with the first, still preparatory step. This is associated with removing the wheels from your car. It is certainly not necessary to describe the procedure in any detail here. First, you need to loosen the individual screws or nuts, and then you remove the wheel. It is clear that if you have the car on a jack, you can immediately remove both, as it is the easiest option. If you don't have a torque wrench, don't panic. In short and simply, you use the one that is part of your mandatory equipment that every motorist must carry in their car.

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Support the axle

Once the wheels are removed, you can easily lower the car down. And so that you can support the remedy. Different wooden blocks can be an ideal option, but if you don't have them, it is naturally also possible to improvise in different ways. It is important to ensure both strength and overall stability. After you have prepared the things for support, you can start the car smoothly and of course you can also support it afterwards. At this point, we again recommend checking that the given support is really sufficient and stable, and you are sure that absolutely nothing can really happen in that direction.

Unscrew the screws

Now we are slowly getting to the step that is related to the necessary mechanical work itself, which is connected to the fact that the replacement of the rear springs will be carried out. As soon as we have the car ready, it is possible to unscrew the individual screws. And those that are on the upper shock absorber mounts. It's good to expect that it won't be as easy as you might think. For that reason too, don't be afraid to use a little more force. What we definitely also recommend is to have a release spray available. You often cannot do without it, and this is doubly true in this step of loosening the individual screws. Once you've loosened them enough, you can do the same on the other axle. Here again, proceed with the use of the spray and also with the use of more of your strength.

Replacing the springs themselves

The replacement of the rear springs itself can begin. You already have them enabled, so there is no problem with changing them. Just don't forget one more very interesting step. The latter refers to the fact that you should lower the axle a little more. Thanks to this step, the replacement itself will be a little easier and you will be able to do it in a few minutes. So the first step is to remove the rear spring of one wheel and replace it with a new spring in the same way. You will proceed in the same way for the second round. Here too, you first remove the existing one and then place the new one in the same way.

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Fasten and fit the wheels

At this moment, the only thing waiting for you is the opposite sequence of work that you performed above. The first step, which you must not forget, is connected with the fact that it will be necessary to tighten the individual screws in a thorough manner, within the upper mounts of the shock absorbers. And both on one and, of course, on the second round. Furthermore, you can of course also fit the wheels in the classic way. After that, nothing prevents the car from being lowered from the jack and a test drive can take place. Do not forget that you have new springs on the car, which can lead to the fact that it can behave completely differently than you are used to. Therefore, we recommend driving the first few kilometers and also the first few corners very carefully. After the test drive is over, you can evaluate whether everything is in order or whether a possible height change will be necessary. But remember that due to the condition of the original and new springs, the car will definitely be higher, which is natural.

What we have to add at the end is the important information related to the fact that when the replacement of the rear springs is carried out, it is always necessary to replace both springs. And that, even if the other one will still be quite fine. This is mainly for safety and to maintain driving characteristics. What we must also not forget is the fact that the exchange itself is certainly not as complicated as many people think today. This is mainly due to the fact that in many cars it is not necessary to disconnect the brake pipes. For that reason, it is possible to save not only a large amount of worry, but also a relatively large amount of work. This must also be taken into account when exchanging.