Old school dragsters 2

At the beginning of the 1970s, the fashion for gassers had waned a bit, and they were replaced by funny cars and higher categories of dragsters. But if you wanted to attract proper attention, you had to drive the entire 400m in the back . Even in America, they know that the further back the engine is, the easier it is to lift the car onto the rear wheels, so some crazy creations have come about. In addition to the van that drove the body forward, they built this madness at HURST (and twice). The Hemi under glass was based on the second generation Barracuda , but after the modifications you wouldn't actually find the engine under the hood. There is absolutely nothing under the front hood. The engine is located a short distance behind the driver and drives the rear wheels through the axle turned in the opposite direction via a strangely driven cardan. There were two cars together, one from an older model with a large window and one from a newer one. It also received supercharging with a compressor and a power of approx. 1000 horses. With that, after the sparkling rear bumper, she drove to the finish line in under 11 seconds. And to make matters worse, here's a video…
